Release The Weight

Release The Weight


Happy Monday Beloved!

There was something powerful that happened yesterday and I want to invite you to the conversation. During my Kickstart to Confident Living 30-Day Challenge where I am reading the devotional EVERY MORNING at 7:30 am CST, we went through Day 12 which was entitled, “You Can’t Run Heavy.” This particular devotion spoke of the importance of releasing the weight. The scripture was Hebrews 12:1 and the devotional spoke about my struggle with forgiving myself after my failed marriage. Here Is a quick excerpt: “ I blamed myself for it all. I felt guilty for not "tarrying longer in prayer" for the sanctification of my then-husband, and restoration of our marriage. I felt guilty for choosing my mental health over my marriage. Above all of the things I felt guilty for, I ultimately struggled with forgiving myself for being disobedient to God PRIOR to committing to a marriage I knew I was not supposed to enter.” WHEW! Can you relate?

As I shared my personal story in the Private Facebook Group, I also spoke on how I overcame that feeling of unforgiveness and allowed the Holy Spirit to use me to encourage others to forgive themselves as well. Not only were women set free during the Facebook LIVE, but I received many messages afterward about how my transparency helped them to seek God and uncover their worthiness in Him. This truly blessed my soul to hear so many testimonies so now I am challenging my entire community even outside of the Facebook group to release the weight. Are you holding on to something you were commanded to release many seasons ago? I challenge you to RELEASE IT TODAY! God has so much in store for you but you can’t run heavy. You must be willing to release anything that is weighing you down. Whether It’s unforgiveness, lack of discipline to get healthy, guilt, shame, or other... don’t you dare bring that into another season. In the words of the film Frozen, LET IT GO! And don’t you dare pick it back up! For assistance, below are some tips to help you release the weight. Be sure to share how this helped you. I’d love to hear about it.

  1. Surrender it all! - Please know some things are simply out of your control. Why are you stressing about things you have NO control over? LET IT GO!

  2. Anchor yourself on His word! The scripture tells us to meditate on His word day and night. Find the anchor scripture that reminds you of His promises based on your current situation and SPEAK IT ALOUD. Write It on a notecard and place it in visible locations as reminders and then SPEAK IT until you BELIEVE IT.

  3. Trust in God - He is the answer to it all. Man will fail us. We will fail ourselves. But God will NEVER fail. Lean on Him and when you give it to Him, don’t pick It back up.

Live Confidently!

-Coach K
